Table 7-4 Area 3 Settings, DRAM Access Cycles, and Refresh Cycles
Area 3 Settings
Read/Write Cycle by CPU or DMAC
Refresh Cycle
2-state-access area
• 3 states
• 3 states
(AST3 = 0)
• Wait states cannot be inserted
• Wait states cannot be inserted
3-state-access area
• 3 states
• 3 states
(AST3 = 1)
• Wait states can be inserted
• Wait states can be inserted
To insert refresh cycles, set the RCYCE bit to 1 in RFSHCR. Figure 7-3 shows the state
transitions for execution of refresh cycles.
When the first refresh request occurs after exit from the reset state or standby mode, the refresh
controller does not execute a refresh cycle, but goes into the refresh request pending state. Note
this point when using a DRAM that requires a refresh cycle for initialization.
When a refresh request occurs in the refresh request pending state, the refresh controller acquires
the bus right, then executes a refresh cycle. If another refresh request occurs during execution of
the refresh cycle, it is ignored.
Figure 7-3 State Transitions for Refresh Cycle Execution
Exit from reset or standby mode
Refresh request pending state
Requesting bus right
Executing refresh cycle
Refresh request
Refresh request
Bus granted
End of refresh
A refresh request is ignored if it occurs while the refresh controller is requesting the
bus right or executing a refresh cycle.