cally SENS2) and touch the Done button. The sensor connection should now be shown in the box and you can advance to the next screen to
continue configuration.
Do You Have a Water Temperature Sensor?
Select whether there is a water temperature sensor wired to the OmniPL.
If Yes is selected:
Where is the Sensor Wired?
Touching the box will bring you to a table showing all detected sensors connections. Select the sensor connection used for the water sensor
(typically SENS1) and touch the Done button. The sensor connection should now be shown in the box and you can advance to the next screen
to continue configuration.
Do You Have a Flow Switch?
Select whether there is a flow switch wired to the OmniPL.
If Yes is selected:
Where is the Sensor Wired?
Touching the box will bring you to a table showing all detected sensors connections. Select the sensor connection used for the (typically FLOW
SWITCH 1) and touch the Done button. The sensor connection should now be shown in the box and you can advance to the next screen to
continue configuration.
Select and Configure Sensors
At this screen you can add, delete and configure your sensors. Select the desired sensor, then touch the Advance button.
When finished configuring sensors, you’ll be returned to this same screen. Touch the Done button and advance to the next section of configuration. Refer to
the following information when configuring sensors:
Where is the Sensor Located?
Touch the box and go to the table showing the Bodies of Water and the Backyard. Select the location where the
sensor is installed.
What Type of Sensor?
Select the type of sensor. Choices are Air, Water, Flow or Solar.
Name Sensor -
Touch the box and use the keyboard to name the sensor.
Where is the Sensor Wired?
Touching the box will bring you to a table showing all detected sensors connections. Select the sensor connection
used for the sensor and touch the Done button. The sensor connection should now be shown in the box and you can advance to the next screen to
continue configuration.
Do You Want to Configure Any Backyard Lights?
Select yes if you are using any type of pool, spa or outdoor lights. The options are Universal ColorLogic
(UCL), ColorLogic 4.0 (CL4.0), ColorLogic 2.5 (CL2.5), Pentair Color LED (P-COLOR), Jandy Color LED (Z-Color), Incandescent, and Other. Transformers powering
Universal ColorLogic lights must all be connected to the same high voltage relay for synchronization to function properly. If using Omni Direct mode, you must
use an internal relay, not an HLRELAYBANK.
If Yes is selected:
What Kind of Lights?
Touch the box to select the type of lights that will be used. The options are UCL (14V), CL4.0 (115V), CL2.5 (14V), P-Color,
Z-Color, Incandescent, and Other.
Name the Group of Lights
- Touch the box and use the keyboard to name the lights.
How Many Relays are Lights Wired to?
Select the number of relays used by the lights.
Which Relay is it Wired to?
Touching the box(es) will bring you to a table showing all detected relays. Select the relay(s) that are connected to the
lights and touch the Done button. The relay(s) should now be shown in the box(es) and you can advance to the next screen to continue the configura-
If UCL was previously selected:
Would you like to test for Omni Direct capability?
For UCL lights manufactured after June 2018, you can select Yes and the OmniPL will
test your lights to confirm. If your lights blink white after the test, you can enable Omni Direct mode. If not, the UCL light will default to UCL
Standalone mode. Refer to your Universal ColorLogic manual for more information about each mode.
How Many Accessories are in the Backyard?
Select the number of accessories that will be used for the backyard.
If “1”or more is selected:
Select and Configure Accessories
At this screen you can add, delete and configure your accessories. Select the desired accessory, then touch
the Advance button. When finished configuring accessories, you’ll be returned to this same screen. Touch the Done button and advance to the next
section of configuration. Refer to the following information when configuring accessories:
Name of Accessory -
Touch the box and use the keyboard to name the accessory.
Содержание OmniPL HLXPROUPG