Heater Priority Duration?
Set the amount of time that you will allow the priority heater (“1”) to heat before allowing the next
heater to start. If the priority heater meets the demand within this time frame, the next heater will not be used.
Minimum Operation Speed?
For variable speed pumps, select the lowest pump speed that is allowed while heating. Set a speed
that will ensure that there will be sufficient flow for the heater to operate properly.
If Solar is selected:
Name Heater
Select the box, then type the desired name for your heater. This name will be used when referring to this particular
Does the Solar Heater Have a Pump?
Select whether the solar heating system has a dedicated recirculation pump. If so, the
OmniPL will turn this pump on when the pool temperature is below the heater setting and there is solar heat available.
If Yes is selected:
Which Relay is it Wired to?
Selecting the box will bring you to a table showing all detected relays. Select the high voltage
relay that is wired to the heater (refer to the Connection Table in for this information), then advance. The relay should now
be shown in the box. Advance to the next screen to continue solar heater configuration.
Does the Solar Heater Have a Valve?
Select whether the solar heating system has a diverter valve to route pool/spa water through
the solar collectors. If so, the OmniPL will rotate this valve when the pool temperature is below the heater setting and there is solar
heat available.
If Yes is selected:
Where is the valve wired?
Selecting the box will bring you to a table showing all detected low voltage relays. Select the
relay that is wired to the solar valve, then advance. The relay should now be shown in the box. Advance to the next screen
to continue solar heater configuration.
Where is the Solar Temperature Sensor Located?
Selecting the box will bring you to a table showing all detected sensors. Select
the solar sensor (usually SENS3), then advance. The sensor should now be shown in the box. Advance to the next screen to continue
solar heater configuration.
If more than one heater has been configured for this Body of Water:
Heater Priority Duration?
Set the amount of time that you will allow the priority heater (“1”) to heat before allowing the next
heater to start. If the priority heater meets the demand within this time frame, the next heater will not be used.
Minimum Operation Speed?
Select the lowest pump speed that is allowed while solar heating. Set a speed that will ensure that
there will be sufficient flow for the solar heating system to operate properly.
Would You Like To Prioritize The Use Of Solar Heating Over Any Other Types?
Select the lowest pump speed that is allowed
while solar heating. Set a speed that will ensure that there will be sufficient flow for the solar heating system to operate properly.
Select the lowest pump speed that is allowed while solar heating. Set a speed that will ensure that there will be sufficient flow for
the solar heating system to operate properly.
Do you have a Sense & Dispense Module?
Select Yes if a Hayward HL-CHEM (sold separately) is connected to the OmniPL.
If Yes is selected:
The next few screens will configure the OmniPL to use Sense and Dispense. The OmniPL automatically detects smart components like the HL-
CHEM, and assigns a Hayward Unique Address. If multiple components are detected, the OmniPL will show a table of devices and prompt you
to select the proper device.
Which Hayward Unique Address?
If a Hayward Unique Address (HUA) is already shown in the box, touch the Advance button. If no address
is shown, selecting the box will bring you to a table showing all detected Sense and Dispense devices. Select the HL-CHEM from the table and
touch the Done button to advance. The address should now be shown. Touch the Advance button to continue configuring the OmniPL for use
with the HL-CHEM.
Does ORP Control Chlorination?
If you say Yes to this, the HL-CHEM will constantly measure ORP and will adjust the pool’s chlorine based on
a predetermined setpoint that you will select. The system will monitor ORP and automatically generate/dispense the correct amount of chlorine
to maintain a desired level. Alternatively, if you say No to this question and select a TurboCell, the HL-CHEM will monitor ORP, but the amount of
chlorine generated will be based on a manual setting that you will select.
If Yes is selected:
ORP Setpoint
- Set the desired ORP level which is measured in mV. 650mV is the default. The OmniPL will continuously measure
ORP and generate/dispense the proper amount of chlorine to maintain this setpoint.
ORP Timeout
- Select a timeout interval. If the OmniPL has been chlorinating for more than the selected ORP timeout without reaching
the desired level, the chlorinator will turn off and display an alarm. The user must clear the alarm to resume chlorination.
Содержание OmniPL HLXPROUPG