Pre-alarm and Shutdown Alarm
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6.2 Shutdown Alarm
(NOTE: shutdown alarm failures immediately lock out the system and stop the Genset. The
failure must be removed and the controller reset before restarting the Genset.)
Shutdown Alarm / Description
LCD displays
START FAILURE: if engine does not fire after the preset number of
crank attempt has been made, the Shutdown alarm LED illuminates
and buzzer sounds, LCD displays start failure icon:
STOP FAILURE: if engine does not stop after the Stop delay expired,
the Shutdown alarm LED illuminates and buzzer sounds, LCD displays
stop failure icon:
EMERGENCY STOP: Configure a configurable input as emergency stop,
when the input signal is active, controller immediately stops all relay
control outputs except alarm, Genset is shut down, the Shutdown alarm
LED illuminates and buzzer sounds, LCD displays emergency stop icon:
LOW OIL PRESS: if controller detects that the oil pressure level still falls
below “Oil-P low Alarm” or LOP switch closes after the safety-on timer
has expired, engine stops immediately, the Shutdown alarm LED
illuminates and buzzer sounds, LCD displays low oil press icon:
ENGINE HIGH TEMP: if controller detects that engine coolant temperature has
exceeded the “Coolant Alarm” or HET switch closes, engine stops
immediately, the Shutdown alarm LED illuminates and buzzer sounds,
LCD displays engine high temp icon:
OVER SPEED: if controller detects that engine speed exceeds the “Over
SP Alarm”, engine stops immediately, the Shutdown alarm LED
illuminates and buzzer sounds, LCD displays over speed shutdown icon:
OVER CURRENT: configure “Overcurrent action” as “shutdown”, after
safety-on delay times out, if controller detects that any phase output
current is higher than “Overcurrent level”, the Genset will be shut down
immediately, the Shutdown alarm LED illuminates and buzzer sounds,
LCD displays:
GEN. OVER VOLT: After safety-on delay times out, If controller detects
that any phase voltage of generator is higher than “GEN-V over
Alarm”, Genset stops, the Shutdown alarm LED illuminates and buzzer
sounds, LCD displays:
For example, “rating voltage” preset as: 220V, “GEN-V over Alarm”
preset as: 115%, when any phase output voltage of generator exceeds
this value, LCD displays high value icon for corresponding phase.