Pre-alarm and Shutdown Alarm
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6. Pre-alarm and Shutdown Alarm
6.1 Pre-alarm (warning)
(NOTE: Pre-alarms are non-critical failure conditions and do not affect the operation of the
generator system, they serve for drawing the operators’ attention to an undesirable condition so
they can remove it to ensure continuous running of the system. When Pre-alarms occur, the
Pre-alarm LED illuminates, but failure will not be locked out and the unit will not shutdown.
Once the Pre-alarm failure is removed the Pre-alarm LED will automatically turn off.)
Pre-alarm / Description
LCD displays
CHARGE FAILURE: After safety-on times up, if the charging voltage
from the excitation contact of alternator is lower than the “ALT. low
preALM”, the pre-alarm LED illuminates and the buzzer sounds, LCD
BATT. UNDER VOLT: If controller detects that battery voltage has fallen
below the “Batt. Undervolt”, pre-alarm LED illuminates and the buzzer
sounds, LCD displays:
For example, “Batt. Undervolt” preset as: 23.6V, when battery voltage
falls below this value, LCD flashing low value icon.
BATT. OVER VOLT: If controller detects that battery voltage has
exceeded the “Batt. overvolt”, the pre-alarm LED illuminates and the
buzzer sounds, LCD displays:
For example, “Batt. overvolt” preset as: 28.2V, when battery voltage
exceeds this value, LCD flashing high value icon.
LOW OIL PRESS: If controller detects that the engine oil pressure has
fallen below the “Oil-P low preALM” after the safety-on timer expired, the
pre-alarm LED illuminates and the buzzer sounds, LCD displays:
For example, “Oil-P low preALM” preset as: 2.2BAR, when engine oil
pressure falls below this value, LCD flashing low value icon.
HIGH TEMP: If controller detects that engine coolant temperature has exceeded
the “Coolant preALM”, the pre-alarm LED illuminates and the buzzer sounds,
LCD displays:
For example, “Coolant preALM” preset as: 95
, when engine coolant
temperature exceeds this value, LCD flashing high value icon.
OVER SPEED: If engine speed exceeds the “Over SP preALM”, the pre-
alarm LED illuminates and the buzzer sounds, LCD displays:
For example, “Over SP preALM” preset as: 1600RPM, when engine
speed exceeds this value, LCD flashing high value icon.
UNDER SPEED: If engine speed falls below the “Under SP preALM” after
the safety-on timer has expired, the pre-alarm LED illuminates and the
buzzer sounds, LCD displays:
For example, “Under SP preALM” preset as: 1440RPM, when engine
speed falls below this value, LCD flashing low value icon.
OVER CURRENT: configure “Overcurrent action” as “warning”, if controller
detects that any phase output current exceeds the “Overcurrent level” after the
safety-on timer has expired, the pre-alarm LED illuminates and the buzzer
sounds, LCD flashing high value icon.