4. Programming Interfaces
Giga-tronics 2400/2500 Microwave Synthesizer Series
Programming Manual, Part Number 34783, Rev A, July 2009
Table 12 Source Subsystem – List Mode SCPI Commands
Command Syntax
[SOURce]:LIST:SYNC <sync>
Sets sync out option to <sync>. The sync out
option determines how a pulse is emitted from the
SYNC OUT connector during List operation. The
choices are:
0 No pulses are emitted from the SYNC OUT
connector during List operation.
1 A pulse is emitted from the SYNC OUT
connector when the first list point is executed.
2 A pulse is emitted from the SYNC OUT
connector when the last list point is executed.
3 A pulse is emitted from the SYNC OUT
connector when each point in the list is
[SOURce:]LIST:DELete:LIST <list>
Clear all the points from list <list>
[SOURce:]LIST:POWer:RANGe:ADD <list> <point>
Insert the power list range to the list <list> after
point number <point>
[SOURce:]LIST: POWer:RANGe:DWELl <value>
Set the list dwell time for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST: POWer:RANGe:FREQuency <value>
Set the frequency for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST: POWer:RANGe:STARt <value>
Set the start power for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST: POWer:RANGe:STEP <value> [DB|
Set the step power for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST: POWer:RANGe:STOP <value>
Set the stop power for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST:RANGe:ADD <list> <point>
Insert the frequency list range to the list <list>
after point number <point>
[SOURce:]LIST:RANGe:DWELl <value> [S|MS|US]
Set the list dwell time for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST:RANGe:POWer <value> [DM|DBM]
Set the power output for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST:RANGe:STARt <value>
Set the start frequency for the list range to <value>
[SOURce:]LIST:RANGe:STEP <value>
Set the step frequency for the list range to <value>
Continued next page