4. Programming Interfaces
Giga-tronics 2400/2500 Microwave Synthesizer Series
Programming Manual, Part Number 34783, Rev A, July 2009
Table 9
Source Subsystem – CW Mode SCPI Commands
Command Syntax
[SOURce]:PHASe:[ADJust:] n (RADians|DEGrees)
Sets the relative phase of the output signal. The
default units are in radians where the range is -2
< n < +2
. The command also accepts phase
offsets in degrees where the range is -360° < n <
+360°. Radians are the default units if no units are
specified. Changing frequency automatically resets
the phase offset to zero.
[SOURce]:POWer:ALC:SOURce INTernal
Selects the source of the feedback signal for the
ALC. The DIODe parameter assumes a negative
crystal detector is used. DPOSitive allows for the
use of a positive crystal detector.
[SOURce]:POWer:ATTenuation:AUTO ON|OFF
Sets the Attenuator to Auto (ON) or Manual (OFF).
Sets the Attenuator to the specified fixed (manual)
Queries the Attenuator setting.
[AMPLitude:] <level> (DM | DBM |
Sets the CW power level to the value specified by
<level>. The units are defined as DM, DBM, or dBV.
Queries the CW power level The value returned is
in dBm.
Queries the source of the reference oscillator. The
return value is as follows:
INT The internal oscillator is being used as the
EXT A signal at the EXT REF IN connector is being
used as the reference.