4. Programming Interfaces
Giga-tronics 2400/2500 Microwave Synthesizer Series
Programming Manual, Part Number 34783, Rev A, July 2009 SCPI Commands; Source Subsystem – List Mode
Table 12 Source Subsystem – List Mode SCPI Commands
Command Syntax
Sets the direction of a list when it is run. If UP is
set, the list will run from start to end. If DOWN is
set, the list will run from end to start. The default
is UP.
Queries the currently set list run direction. The
return value is as follows:
UP The list is set to run from start to end.
DOWN The list is set to run from end to start.
[SOURce]:LIST:DWELl <t1>,<t2>,……,<tn>
Specifies the dwell point times
>) of the list set, the dwell point
times are delimited by commas. The 2400/2500
list dwell setting is global for all list points. The first
dwell time parameter applies to all subsequent
points. Setting additional dwell times is optional.
The units are seconds.
Queries the number of points in the dwell time list.
[SOURce]:LIST:FREQuency <f1>,<f2>,<f3>,……,<fn>
Specifies the frequency points
>) of the list set. The
frequency points are delimited by commas.
Queries the number of points currently in the
frequency list.
[SOURce]:LIST:POWer <p1>,<p2>,<p3>,……,<pn>
Specifies the power points
>) of the list set. The
power points are delimited by commas.
Returns the number of points currently in the
power list
Converts (pre-computes) the raw data of list saved
NVRAM into DSP format. Return 0 when done.
Continued next page