Giga-tronics 2400/2500 Microwave Synthesizer Series
4. Programming Interfaces
Programming Manual, Part Number 34783, Rev A, July 2009
99 SCPI Commands; Source Subsystem – Power
Table 10 Source Subsystem – Power SCPI Commands
Command Syntax
Selects the source of the feedback signal for the ALC. The
DIODe parameter assumes a negative crystal detector is
used. DPOSitive allows for the use of a positive crystal
Queries the type of leveling for output power automatic
level control
Queries attenuation mode: auto or manual
[SOURce:]POWer:CENTer d
Sets the center of power
Queries the center of power
MPLitude:]STEP[:INCRement] d (DB)
Selects the increment value for the Synthesizer output
power level
Query the increment value for the Synthesizer output
power level SCPI Commands; Source Subsystem – Correction
Table 11 Source Subsystem – Correction SCPI Commands
Command Syntax
[SOURce]:CORRection:LOSS <offset> [DB]
Sets the power offset to the value specified by <offset>. The
units are dB.
Queries the power offset. The value returned is in dB.
[SOURce]:CORRection:SLOPe <slope>
Sets the power slope to the value specified by <slope>. The
units are dB/GHz.
Queries the power slope. The value returned is in dB/GHz