Interface Board DeviceNet
This type of DeviceNet-function is used for a fast cyclic exchange of Drive-parame-
ters between Master and SBI card.
The Drive-parameters involved in this exchange may be set from the menu of the
The characteristics of the Polling-function are:
1. The data frame length is fixed in 8 bytes for both directions (Slave->Master and
Master->Slave); in this way it is not necessary the frame fragmentation and
a time effective data transfer is achieved. With 8 bytes 4 Drive parameters of
one Word each in Input and Output can be transferred cyclically.
2. The board, as it is a Slave, during the Polling consumes Output data and
produces Input data as response.
The configuration of the Drive parameters transferred via Polling may be set by the
drive keypad and stored on the E2PROM of the SBI board.
4 Words totally from Slave to Master and 4 Words from Master to Slave are handled.
For the configuration of the Polling parameters a new communication object is
The Polling parameters may be configured in every communication status.
The setting is protected by a Password.
Default value: all at zero.
4.1.1 Configuration object of the Polling parameters S->M
For the assignment of the Drive parameters to the 4 Words of Polling from Slave
to Master the new object “POLL S->M CFG” with an identifier of a special class is
The object is composed as follows:
Class ID:
Class Attribute:
Instance Attribute:
ID = 1: Drive parameter assigned to the first Word of Polling S->M.
ID = 2: Drive parameter assigned to the second Word of Polling S->M.
ID = 3: Drive parameter assigned to the third Word of Polling S->M.
ID = 4: Drive parameter assigned to the fourth Word of PollingS->M.