Festo — MSE6-C2M — 2022-08b
Module parameter: pressure setpoint value auto standby
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 23 (low byte)
4828 + m * 64 + 24 (high byte)
m = module number 0
The parameter determines the setpoint pressure that applies when the
automatic pressure regulation and blocking function is activated in the
AUTO_STANDBY module state, Em.3.8-3.11 = 12.
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 4000, low byte = 160; high byte = 15
Permissible values: 0 … 32767
Pressure setpoint value auto normal parameter value, Pm.21-22, must be
greater than pressure setpoint value auto standby parameter value, Pm.23-24.
If parameter monitoring is active, Pm.0.7, invalid values will result in parameter-
isation error FN29
The parameterised pressure setpoint values are automatically limited within the
permissible value range, depending on the parameterised pressure unit, to the
end values of the nominal pressure range within the module without an error
mbar: 2500 … 10000
kPa: 250 … 1000
psi/10: 363 … 1450
Tab. 64: Pressure setpoint value auto standby module parameter
Module parameter: lower pressure limit value P2
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 25 (low byte)
4828 + m * 64 + 26 (high byte)
m = module number 0
A lower limit value for the module can be set for output pressure P2.
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 4000, low byte = 160; high byte = 15
Permissible values: 0 … 32767
If parameter monitoring is active, Pm.0.7, invalid values will result in parameter-
isation error FN24
The pressure P2 prepared according to the parameterised unit is continuously
compared with the parameterised lower limit value. The result is indicated in
input Em.3.6 and with the status LED P2.
Detailed description
Tab. 65: Lower pressure limit value P2 module parameter