Festo — MSE6-C2M — 2022-08b
Pressure change sample time module parameter
The parameter specifies the time of the measuring interval, during which the pressure values for the
calculation of the pressure change are determined. The set time corresponds to the parameterised
value, multiplied by 100 ms. The data width is 8 bits, 1 byte.
Module parameter: pressure change sample time
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 10
m = module number 0
Specifies the time interval between two pressure measurements, from whose
measured values the pressure change is calculated.
Bit 0 … 8: Time interval between 2 measurements
1 … 255
100, default … 25500 ms
If parameter monitoring is active, Pm.0.7, invalid values will result in parameter-
isation error FN29
Tab. 57: Pressure change sample time module parameter
Critical limits module parameter
The limit values module parameter can be used to specify the specific upper limit value pressure,
upper limit value flow rate and upper limit value pressure change limit values. The data width is 16
bits, 2 bytes.
If the unit is changed, the data for the critical limits is not changed and may need to be adjusted
Module parameter: upper limit value flow rate
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 11 (low byte)
4828 + m * 64 + 12 (high byte)
m = module number 0
An upper flow limit value can be set for the module.
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 32767, low byte = 255; high byte = 127
Permissible values: 0 … 32767
If parameter monitoring is active, Pm.0.7, invalid values will result in parameter-
isation error FN29
If the flow rate set according to the parameterised unit exceeds the parameter-
ised upper limit value, the diagnostic message FN10 is output if the monitor
limit values parameter is active.
The monitoring of limit value violation only becomes active after the expiry of
the time set in the monitor critical limit values parameter startup. The time is
active even after shifting to the pressurise state.
Tab. 58: Upper limit value flow rate module parameter