NexLog Recorder User Manual v2.2.0
Using the Input level or the detail levels graph note the VOX Cur value with
no signal present, but with the cabling still connected to account for line
noise. Then note the VOX Cur value with the lowest-level input signal that
you are likely to see during use.
Set the VOX Threshold using the values from the previous step. The
threshold should be higher than noise but lower than your lowest signal.
Another possible cause for conversations recorded on multiple separate calls is
Hold time. This would apply to both VOX Detect and TRV Detect. Conversations
with pauses longer than the Hold setting will generate a stop-recording signal.
When the conversation resumes, a start-recording signal will create a second
call. To determine if this is happening, listen to the last several seconds of a call.
If you hear a pause in the conversation longer than the Hold time, followed by a
second separate call of the same conversation, then the length of the pause
caused the stop-recording signal. If you wish, you can increase the Hold time.
The downside is that longer periods of silence will be recorded at the end of
EVERY call on that particular channel. For example, a 15-second Hold time on
Channel 3 will cause a 15-second period of silence to be recorded on every call
on Channel 3.
4.6.2. Replace Board
This section allows you to swap boards in your system for similar boards. This is
necessary in the unlikely event of hardware failure (due to a power surge) or to
expand channel count by replacing an 8 channel analog board with a 24
channel board, for example. When selecting the board to be replace it must be
removed from the system. The board that you are going to replace it with must
be physically in the system and disabled. Disable the board by going to the
‘Boards’ setup page and selecting the replacement boards configuration. When
you have a possible replacement candidate the Replace Board setup page will
show a submit button. If you do not a valid replacement configuration the
button will not be present and the text at the top of the page will give an
explanation for why you cannot do a replacement.
The act of replacing a board transfers all settings to the new board. This
includes channel ordering, channel names, and parameters specific to the board
4.6.3. Retention Settings
Eventide NexLog Recorders store call data on their storage devices and provide a
built in database for immediate retrieval and playback of recorded audio. Once
the hard drives fill up with data, the oldest data will begin to be deleted from the
system to make room for new data as new recordings are made. The Retention
settings allow you to customize when this data is deleted.
Note that any Call Record which has been marked as "Protected" in the Front
Panel or MediaWorks will not be deleted to make room for new recordings