AXX 9100 CONNECT R1.2 Quick Reference Guide
3/1531-ZAP 701 14/1 Uen A 2006-10-16
Further configuration
Recommended order
Download licenses if needed and not present already from
factory. E.g. OSI , STM-4
Configure expected module
Enable alarm-reporting on all modules including the power
Adjust time and date and optionally the Time Server
Add community string reflecting the IP address of your AXX 9820
If your configuration includes SDH interfaces, enable all in use
Configure synchronisation as planned
Configure DCN if not including signals through IP-payload
If your configuration includes SDH interfaces structure the VC's
as desirable
If your configuration includes Ethernet into SDH configure
administratively the desired bandwidth for WAN-port(s)
If your configuration includes PDH interfaces enable and
configure desirable port(s)
If your configuration includes Ethernet consider the following;
operation of each Ethernet-port, VLAN-table, STP etc.
Circuit provisioning including cross-connections
Configure protection SNCP and MSP if needed
Consider performing configuration back-up
Further reading
Please see the AXX 9820 CRAFT User Guide for instructions
related to further configuration and the AXX 9100 CONNECT
Technical Reference for details concerning the equipment.