10. Factory Parameters
Parameter Page 14
End of Bar Type:
Selects between different modes of generating the end of bar signal.
Choices are:
Off at Bar Change--Signal resets when the command “Bar Change” is received from the
Pulse--Signal is a pulse for a duration set in the parameter End Of Bar Pulse on page 16.
Latch--Signal comes on at the end of bar position and turns off when facing position is
Double Pulse--Signal pulses when the end of bar position is reached and again when the
facing position is reached. Signal pulses for the duration set in parameter End Of Bar
Pulse on page 16.
Feed Confirmation Signal Type:
Selects between different modes of generating a signal for
confirmation of bar feeding. Choices are:
Not Used--No signal is output.
Finished Feeding--Signal is sent when the pusher finishes moving the distance set in the
feed length.
Start Feeding--Signal is sent when the pusher begins to move.
During Feeding--Signal is sent when the feed-out begins and stops when the feed length
distance is completed