9. User Parameters
Facing Type
: Selects between modes of bringing a new bar to facing position and restarting
the lathe at the end of a bar change. Choices are Position and Turret Stop.
In Position mode the bar feeder advances the bar to the position set by parameter Facing
Length and stops. Distance measured by bar feed, face of facing distance
In Turret Stop mode the bar feeder advances the bar to the position in Facing Length,
then keeps pushing until the lathe collet closes. Distance measured by barfeed, face of
facing distance then torque out at turret stop.
In both modes the cycle start signal is sent to the lathe when the Facing Length position is
Remnant Type
: Selects between modes of remnant disposal. Choices are Extraction, Ejection
and Return & Wait.
Extraction: Pull back remnant
Ejection: After feeding the last available part length into the lathe the pusher retracts to
the home position when the collet closes. When the lathe sends the bar change
command the bar pusher moves forward to eject the remnant from the lathe collet, then
returns to the home position to continue the bar change cycle.
Return & Wait This mode works much the same as the Ejection mode except that when
the lathe collet closes after feeding the last part from the bar stock, the pusher retracts to
home position. The V-channel raises up and takes a new bar from the magazine. The
bar feeder waits for the part to be finished and a signal to begin the bar change to be sent
from the lathe. The remnant is ejected through the lathe collet by the new bar as is feeds
to the facing position. This mode is the preferred selection for this parameter.