12. Alarms
Rebel 80
-When the bar feeder is in Auto and the lathe collet open, reverse movement in excess of
4mm was detected.
-Check lathe is not pushing or pulling material back into barfeed
– Check the bar feeder
synchronization device. Increase the dwell after the collet open before the re-grip.
-Check lathe collet is not unclamping or is too tight at collet open
– Clean and adjust the
lathe collet.
-Close hood before start of bar change or channel open/close
– The safety switch on the
hood sends a signal to the PLC input X5. Check the switch to make sure it is connected.
-Check input on PLC (X5)
– Observe input X5 while opening and closing the hood. The input
should change state with the motion of the hood.
-Check speed of prefeed return
– The speed may be too slow to accomplish the return within
the allotted time.
-Check zero sensor
– Verify operation of the sensor by observing the LED on switch S01 and
input X2.
-Check input X2
– X2 should light when switch S01 lights and turn off when switch S01 turns
Check for impedance to the bar pusher
– Check for debris or protrusions in the spindle liner,
telescoping nose and guide channel. Check for protruding roll pins on the bar pusher.