7. Setup Wizard
Setup Wizard Screens
The Setup Wizard Screens provide a simplified method of creating a
bar loader program by entering values in the following screens. A complete list of the operating
parameters can be found in section 8. To start the Setup Wizard select the Wizard button.
Follow the screens to create a new part program.
Feed out Length: This parameter is usually set to the value of the (overall part the width
of the cut-off tool + any facing stock). The value is used to determine if enough material is left
on the bar stock to make another part. If the material is advanced using a sub-spindle the value
would be set to equal the total length of the sub-spindle movement when the lathe collet is open.
Bar Diameter: The parameter is used to set the height of the V-tray to match the centerline of
the lathe spindle. Enter the diameter of round stock or the measurement of the distance across
the flats for hex and square material.