2.6 Bootstrap Procedures
The BOOT command initializes the system and then loads and starts the virtual
memory bootstrap (VMB) program from read-only memory (ROM). The VMB
program, in turn, loads and starts the operating system from the specified boot
device. Figure 2–3 shows the steps in the boot procedure.
Figure 2–3 Boot Procedure
Enter BOOT command
at the >>>
console prompt.
Boot procedure
the system.
Boot procedure
loads VMB into
main memory.
VMB loads the
operating system.
The VMB program is the primary bootstrap program. VMB:
Resides in ROM on the ATM module.
Is loaded into memory and initiated by the system console firmware.
Provides the necessary parameters for successful operation of the OpenVMS
secondary bootstraps.
Allows you to boot from DSSI compatible disk and tape devices over the
Cabinet and Component Descriptions 2–7