4.4.5 Fault Data
The Fault Data block has a variable length specific to the class of the fault which
occurred. The error class can be determined by the high-order four bits of the
FAULT_ID field in the Fault Summary block (see Table 4–15). The six Fault Data
types based on these fault classes are shown in Figure 4–8 and described in the
following subsections.
Figure 4–8 Fault Data Block
System Registers
End Actions (End Action Registers)
End Action Timeouts
VAXELN Detected Errors
Unsynchable Events
Software Detected Errors
MR−0005−93RAGS System Registers
The EHS gathers system error information in the course of error handling. The
content of these registers is written to the error log. Table 4–19 lists each register
entry and its offset from the start of the block.
For different system errors, different sets of system registers are collected.
A value of -1 (FFFFFFFF hex) in a system register location in the error
log indicates that the register was not recorded.
Error Handling and Analysis 4–27