FTSS$_CLOCK_ENDTMO, Clock fault end action timeout on zone [zone_id]
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: When a clock fault occurs in a non-Simplex system, diagnostics
normally run on the failed zone and, upon completion, report status back to
the zone running the operating system. If this end action does not occur
within a reasonable timeout period, the failure will be treated as solid and
the zone will not be automatically resynchronized by FTSS.
User Action: The system error log should be examined for entries which
correspond to the clock fault and the end action timeout. These entries will
indicate an FRU.
FTSS$_CLOCKFLT, Clock fault detected on [module_id] in slot [slot_id], zone
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: The clocks in each of the two zones operate in phase lock.
When this synchronization is lost, lockstep operation of the zones is lost. The
error is compared to its error rate threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, the
zone is not automatically resynchronized by FTSS.
User Action: If the removed zone is automatically resynchronized after
running diagnostics, no action is needed on the part of the user. If the zone
is not automatically resynchronized, the system error log should be examined
for entries which correspond to the clock fault. These entries will identify an
FRU which must be replaced.
FTSS$_CPMF_END, CPU/MEM fault end action complete
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: Error processing for a CPU/MEM fault has been completed
and the CPU is available to be resynchronized.
User Action: If the CPU is automatically resynchronized by FTSS, then no
action is needed on the part of the user. If the CPU is not resynchronized,
the system error log should be examined for entries which correspond to the
CPU/MEM fault. These error logs will identify an FRU.
FTSS$_CPMF_ENDTMO, CPU/MEM fault end action timed out on zone [zone_
Facility: FTSS
Explanation: When a CPU/MEM fault occurs in a Duplex system,
diagnostics normally run on the failed CPU and, upon completion, report
status back to the zone running the operating system. If this end action does
not occur within a reasonable timeout period, the failure will be treated as
solid and the CPU will not be automatically resynchronized by FTSS.
User Action: The system error log should be examined for entries which
correspond to the CPU/MEM fault and the end action timeout. These entries
will indicate an FRU.
Error Handling and Analysis 4–41