Page frame number bitmap
data structures, 4–65
POST, 3–27
Power distribution box
removal and replacement, 5–42
Power distribution boxes
system component descriptions, 1–9
Power modules, 3–12
system component descriptions, 1–8
Power system maintenance, 3–12
Power system overview
system maintenance, 3–7
Power-on, 3–27
Power-on self-test (POST)
status of OCP indicators, 3–27
removal and replacement, 5–16
Removal and replacement
ATM module, 5–7
CAMP module, 5–24
console extender module, 5–20
CPU module, 5–7
cross-link assembly, 5–18
DIM, 5–26
DSSI cable, 5–29
DSSI disk drawer, 5–14
DSSI extender module, 5–22
DSSI interface module, 5–26
EIM, 5–28
Ethernet interface module, 5–28
fan, 5–10
FCSB, 5–10
FEU, 5–16
MMB, 5–9
power distribution box, 5–42
PSC, 5–16
RF35 disk drive, 5–12
SF35 storrage array, 5–36
SF73 disk drive, 5–32
SIMM, 5–8
TF857-CA tape drive, 5–39
TF85C-BA tape drive, 5–30
5V regulator, 5–16
3.3V regulator, 5–16
zone control panel, 5–14
load/Unload button, 3–29
Reset reason fault analysis
error register descriptions, A–8
RF35 disk drawer
disk drives, 3–19
RF35 disk drive
removal and replacement, 5–12
ROM-based diagnostics
system diagnostics, 3–29
SCB description, A–10
Server setup switch, 6–2
error handling, 4–1
SF35 storage array
removal and replacement, 5–36
SF35-BK/HK/JK storage array
disk drives, 3–21
SF73 disk drive
removal and replacement, 5–32
SF73-HK/JK storage array
disk drives, 3–24
Shutting down a zone, 5–4
removal and replacement, 5–8
Software detected errors
fault data, 4–34
Starting up a zone, 5–5
Sub-device condiguration block
data structures, 4–63
System console and diagnostics
firmware interfaces, 4–50
System control block description, A–10
System operating modes, 4–4
System registers
fault data, 4–27
System resets
firmware interfaces, 4–51
Tape devices
TF857 tape loader, 3–27
TF857 tape loader controls and indicators,
TF85C tape drive, 3–26
TEST command
system diagnostics, 3–30
TF857 tape loader controls and indicators
tape devices, 3–27
TF857-AA tape loader
operating procedures, 3–27
TF857-CA tape drive
removal and replacement, 5–39
TF85C tape drive
tape devices, 3–26
TF85C-BA tape drive
removal and replacement, 5–30