8-42 PCD write configuration
Jog Ramp Time
Quick Stop Ramp Time
Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
Torque Limit Motor Mode
Torque Limit Generator Mode
Digital & Relay Bus Control
Pulse Out #27 Bus Control
Pulse Out #29 Bus Control
Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control
Terminal 42 Output Bus Control
Terminal X30/8 Bus Control
Terminal X45/1 Bus Control
Terminal X45/3 Bus Control
PCD Feed Forward
Bus Jog 1 Speed
Bus Jog 2 Speed
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[1685] FC Port CTW 1
[1686] FC Port REF 1
[3310] Synchronization Factor Master (M:S)
[3311] Synchronization Factor Slave (M:S)
[3401] PCD 1 Write to MCO
[3402] PCD 2 Write to MCO
[3403] PCD 3 Write to MCO
[3404] PCD 4 Write to MCO
[3405] PCD 5 Write to MCO
[3406] PCD 6 Write to MCO
[3407] PCD 7 Write to MCO
[3408] PCD 8 Write to MCO
[3409] PCD 9 Write to MCO
[3410] PCD 10 Write to MCO
8-43 PCD read configuration
Select the parameters to be
assigned to PCDs of the
messages. The number of
available PCDs depends on
the message type. PCDs
contain the actual data values
of the selected parameters.
[1472] VLT Alarm Word
[1473] VLT Warning Word
[1474] VLT Ext. Status Word
[1500] Operating Hours
[1501] Running Hours
8-43 PCD read configuration
[1502] kWh Counter
[1600] Control Word
[1601] Reference [Unit]
[1602] Reference %
[1603] Status Word
[1605] Main Actual Value [%]
[1609] Custom Readout
[1610] Power [kW]
[1611] Power [hp]
[1612] Motor voltage
[1613] Frequency
[1614] Motor Current
[1615] Frequency [%]
[1616] Torque [Nm]
[1617] Speed [RPM]
[1618] Motor Thermal
[1619] KTY sensor temperature
[1620] Motor Angle
[1621] Torque [%] High Res.
[1622] Torque [%]
[1625] Torque [Nm] High
[1630] DC Link Voltage
[1632] Brake Energy /s
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min
[1634] Heatsink Temp.
[1635] Inverter Thermal
[1638] SL Controller State
[1639] Control Card Temp.
[1650] External Reference
[1651] Pulse Reference
[1652] Feedback [Unit]
[1653] Digi Pot Reference
[1657] Feedback [RPM]
[1660] Digital Input
[1661] Terminal 53 Switch Setting
[1662] Analog Input 53
[1663] Terminal 54 Switch Setting
[1664] Analog Input 54
[1665] Analog Output 42 [mA]
[1666] Digital Output [bin]
[1667] Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
[1668] Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
[1669] Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
[1670] Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
[1671] Relay Output [bin]
[1672] Counter A
[1673] Counter B
[1674] Prec. Stop Counter
[1675] Analog In X30/11
[1676] Analog In X30/12
Parameter Descriptions
FC 300 Programming Guide
MG.33.MA.22 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark