Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Pulse Generator
The behavior of the Pu lse Generator is d efined by their d elay and w id th. The d elay is the am ou nt of tim e
the p u lse is inactive p rior to the p u lse, and the w id t h is the am ou nt of tim e the p u lse is active.
The Pu lse Generator signals can be set in either triggered or p eriod ic m od e. In triggered m od e, the p u lse
generator is triggered by either the rising ed ge or high level of the inp u t signal. When triggered , the p u lse
generator is inactive for the d u ration of the d elay, then active for the d u ration of the w id th. After that, it
w ill becom e inactive u ntil the next trigger occu rs. If a trigger occu rs w hile p u lse ge nerator is alread y
hand ling a p reviou s trigger, the new trigger is ignored .
In p eriod ic m od e, the trigger continu ou sly generates a signal that is based on the configu red d elay and
w id th. The p eriod of the p u lse is therefore the d elay tim e p lu s the w id th ti m e.
Figure 60: Pulse Generator
Pulse Generator 0 to 3
Selects w hich p u lse generator to configu re. To view the p u lse generator p rop erties, op en the d irectory.
Ind icates the nu m ber of cycles (also d eterm ined by the granu larity) that the p u lse rem ains at a high level
before falling to a low level.
Ind icates the nu m ber of cycles (also d eterm ined by the granu larity) that the p u lse rem ains at a low level
before rising to a high level.
Trigger Mode
Ind icates how a triggered p u lse generator w ill hand le its triggers. The p ossible settings are: