Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Calibration algorithm to use:
Analog 8 to 13 Percent Above Target
= This algorithm ad ju sts analog gain so that 8% to 13% of tap
region of interest (ROI) p ixels are above the sp ecified target valu e (i.e.
Calibrate Gain Target Value
Analog Average Pixel at Target
= This algorithm ad ju sts analog gain so that the average p ixel valu e in
tap’s ROI is equal to the sp ecified target value (i.e.
Calibrate Gain Target Value
D igital Average Pixel at Target
= This algorithm ad ju sts d igital gain so that the average p ixel valu e in
tap’s ROI is equal to the sp ecified target (i.e.
Calibrate Gain Target Value
Analog Peak Pixel a Target
= This algorithm ad ju sts the analog gain so that the p eak tap ROI p ixels are
ad ju sted to the sp ecified target (i.e.
Calibrate Gain Target
Calibrate Gain Target
. Calcu lation target in a range from 25% to 99% of raw DN (1024 to 4055
DN ), 12 bit
Calibration Returns:
Su ccess
Ou tsid e of sp ecification > Analog gain set ou tsid e ±10 d B
Clip p ed to m in > Analog gain set 0, (w hich m ay be below -10 d B) or System gain set to 0.
Clip p ed to m ax > Analog gain set to 1023, (w hich m ay be above +10 d B) or System gain set to 65,535
Tim eou t > FPGA d id not retu rn new end of line statistics
N otes:
This fu nction requ ires constant light inp u t w hile execu ting.
If very few tap p ixels are w ithin the ROI, gain calcu lation m ay not be op tim al.
When all tap s are selected , tap s ou tsid e of the ROI are set to the average gain of the tap s that are
w ithin the ROI.
Perform analog gain algorithm s before p erform ing FPN and PRN U calibration.
All d igital settings affect the analog gain calibration. If you d o not w ant the d igital p rocessing to have
any effect on the cam era gain calibration, then tu rn off all d igital s ettings by send ing the com m and s:
DigitalOffsetRaw 0, EnablePixelCoefficients 0, Su btractBackgrou nd Raw 0, and DigitalGainRaw 4096
Please note: only the ―Digital Average Pixel at Target‖ algorithm is available on 4k m od els.
Also note: the Calibrate Gain Selector com m and can take u p to 10 second s. Please ad ju st the GUI's
tim eou t valu es (in the Ad vanced Processing set) accord ingly .