Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
GigE Vision Input Controls
Advanced Processing
FFC Coefficient Set N o.
Selects the p ixel set to load , or save. There are 4 u ser sets available.
Load FFC Coefficient
Load s the Flat Field Correction Coefficients (sp ecified by the Pixel Set
Selector) from the cam eras non -volatile m em ory.
Reset FFC Coefficients
Restores the cam eras p ixel coefficients to 0 for FPN and a PRN U factor of 1.
This com m and d oes not reset saved coefficients.
Save PRN U
Write all cu rrent PRN U coefficients to non -volatile m em ory w hen Pixel Set
Selector is not Defau lt
Save FPN
Write all cu rrent FPN coefficients to non -volatile m em ory w hen Pixel Set
Selector is not Defau lt
FPN Calibrate
Perform a Fixed Pattern N oise calibration. Please block all light from entering
the cam era(i.e. cover the lens). *** WARN IN G: This com m and can take u p to
3 second s. Please ad ju st the GUI's tim eou t valu es
Target to Calibrate PRN U
The target valu e for the PRN U calibration algorithm
PRN U Calibrate
Calibrate PRN U coefficients. Id eally FPN calibration shou ld be d one before
the PRN U calibration. To calibration PRN U, the d irection m u st not be
External. Alw ays set p rop er target before click this bu tton. *** WARN IN G:
This com m and can take u p to 15 second s.
FPN Enable
Enables and d isables the fixed p attern noise correction
PRN U Enable
Enables and d isables the p hoto resp onse non -u niform ity correction
Calibration Resu lt
Disp lays the resu lt from the flat field calibration .
Read FFC Calibration
Resu lt
Read FFC Calibrate Resu lt
Region of Interest X
The horizontal start of the region of interest. The region of interest is u sed
sp ecify w hich p art of the sensor to calibrate.
Region of Interest Wid th
The w id th of the region of interest. The region of interest is u sed sp ecify
w hich p art of the sensor to calibrate