Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
How the Lookup Table Works
The Looku p Table has 8 inp u ts (I0 - I7) cap able of tw o states each (tru e, false). Thu s, the ou tp u ts have a
total nu m ber of 256 inp u t com binations. The resu lt of each com bination can be 1 or 0.
When you m od ify the equ ations in the Looku p Table, the controller calcu lates the resu lts of all 256 inp u t
com binations and stores the resu lt of each ou tp u t as a 256-bit looku p table (hence the nam e). There are 18
ou tp u ts (Q0 - Q17), so the controller calcu lates 18 d ifferent looku p tables.
The controller then p asses the resu lting 18 looku p tables to the IP Engine. Kn ow ing the valu e of the 8
inp u ts, the PLC need s only look u p the valu e of the resu lting ou tp u t (for each ou tp u t), rather than
calcu late it. Thu s, the Looku p Table can achieve a p rop agation d elay of only one system clock cycle (30
ns), regard less of the com p lexity or nu m ber of Boolean exp ressions.