Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
The brightest p ixel shou ld be slightly below the target ou tp u t.
When 6.25% of p ixels from a single row w ithin the region of interest are clip p ed , flat field correction
resu lts m ay be inaccu rate.
Correction resu lts are valid only for the cu rrent analog gain and offset valu es. If you ch ange these
valu es, it is recom m end ed that you recalcu late you r coefficients.
Digital Signal Processing
To op tim ize cam era p erform ance, d igital signal p rocessing shou ld be com p leted after any analog
ad ju stm ents.
The FPN and PRN U calibration p aram eters are available as m em bers of the Ad vanced Processing set and
are only available to Gu ru u sers.
Figure 26. Advanced Processing / Calibration Parameters