Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Current Session Active Setting
The active setting for the cu rrent session is the set of configu ration s that are op erating w hile the cam era is
cu rrently ru nning, inclu d ing all u nsaved ch anges you have m ad e to the settings before saving them .
These active settings are stored in the cam era’s
m em ory and w ill be lost and can not be restored if
the cam era resets or if the cam era is p ow ered d ow n or loses p ow er.
To save these settings for reu se the next tim e you p ow er u p or reset the cam era, or to p rotect against
losing them in the case of p ow er loss, you m u st save the cu rrent settings u sing the
User Set Save
p aram eter. Once saved , the cu rrent settings becom e you r
User Set 1
User Setting
The u ser setting is the saved set of cam era configu ration s that you can cu stom ize, resave, and restore. By
d efau lt the u ser settings are ship p ed w ith the sam e settings as the factory set.
The com m and
User Set Save
saves the cu rrent settings to non-volatile m em ory as a
User Set
. The cam era
au tom atically restores the last saved u ser settings w hen it resets and / or p ow ers u p .
To restore the last saved u ser settings, select the
User Set
p aram eter you w ant to restore and then select
User Set Load
p aram eter.
Factory (Default) Settings
The d efau lt setting is the cam era settings that w ere ship p ed w ith the cam era and w hich load ed d u ring the
camera’s first power-up. To load or restore the original factory settings, at any time, select the
D efault /
Factory Setting
p aram eter and then select the
User Set Load
p aram eter.
N ote: By d efau lt, the u ser settings are set to the factory settings.
Please note: the follow ing featu res are not restored d u ring a factory setting load / restore:
FFC Coefficients set nu m ber
Analog Gain selector
Blacklevel selector
Digital Offset selector
Backgrou nd Su btract selector
Line selector
PRN U CalibrationTarget
Gain Calibration Target
Gain Calibration Selector