Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
3: Q9
4: Q10
5: Q11
6: Q16
7: Q17
Clear Mode
Ind icates how the timestam p mod ule hand les the ―clear event‖. The p ossible valu es are:
On Ap p ly: The tim estam p cou nt is cleared w hen the u ser clicks the Ap p ly bu tton
Rising ed ge inp u t signal: Then the signal on the clear event inp u t rises, the tim estam p m od u le clears the
tim estam p cou nter valu e
Clear Input
Ind icates w hich label from the GPIO LUT that is associated with the ―clear event‖ input of the timestamp
m od u le. Make su re you select an inp u t that is not bein g u sed for its d efau lt behavior. The p ossible valu es
0: Q3
1: Q7
2: Q8
3: Q9
4: Q10
5: Q11
6: Q16
7: Q17
When set to tru e, the op eration is broad casted to all other d evices on the sam e netw ork as the cu rrent
d evice.
Set Value
The valu e assigned is u sed w hen the ―set event‖ of the cou nter occu rs.
Current Value
Displays the timestamp counter’s current value.