Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
The Spyder3 SG-14 Cameras
Camera Highlights
The Sp yd er3 SG-14 GigE Vision (GEV) are high sensitivity d u al-line scan cam eras. When op erating in
high sensitivity (d u al line scan) m od e the Sp yd er3 GEV cam era has 3x the resp onsivity of Teled yne
DALSA’s Spyd er2 line scan camera. Plus, the GigE Vision interface elim inates the need for a frame
grabber, resu lting in significant system cost savings.
The Spyd er3 cameras are supported by Teled yne DALSA Sapera™ softw are libraries featuring
Cam Exp ert for sim p lified cam era set-u p and configu ration.
Broad band resp onsivity u p to 408 ±16 DN (nJ/ cm 2) @ 10d B gain
1024, 2048, or 4096 x 2 p ixels, 14 µm x 14 µm (1k and 2k) and 10 µm x 10 µm (4k) p ixel p itch, 100 %
fill factor
H igh or low sp eed (40 or 80 MH z)
Up to 68 KH z line rates
Dynam ic range u p to 1400 : 1
Data transm ission u p to 100 m eters
RoH S and CE com p liant
GenICam -com p liant
Program m able gain , offset, exp osu re tim e and line rate, trigger m od e, test p attern ou tp u t, and cam era
d iagnostics
Tall p ixel, high sensitivity, or low sensitivity m od e available
Flat-field correction —m inim izes lens vignetting, non -u niform lighting, and sensor FPN and PRN U
FPD insp ection
Pick and p lace
Container insp ection
Wood / tile / steel insp ection
100 % p rint insp ection (lottery tickets, stam p s, bank notes, p ay checks)
Postal sorting
Glass bottle insp ection
Ind u strial m etrology
Food insp ection
Web insp ection