Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Check Camera and Sensor Information
Camera and sensor information can be retrieved via a controlling application—in the examples shown here,
CamExpert. Parameters such as camera model, firmware version, sensor characteristics, etc. are read to uniquely
identify the connected device.
The cam era inform ation p aram eters are grou p ed together as m em bers of the Cam era Inform ation set.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Camera Information
Manu factu rer N am e
Mod el N am e
Manu factu rer Info
Cam era Version
Firm w are Version
Cam era serial ID nu m ber
Cam era Tem p eratu re
Cam era Voltage
User ID
Define a cam era nam e u p to 64 characters
Read tem p eratu re
In general, the tem p eratu re read is 15 C greater than the tem p eratu re at the front
p late. The tem p eratu re shou ld not exceed 80 °C.
Read Cam era inp u t voltage
Click to read the voltage from the cam era
Verify Temperature and Voltage
To d eterm ine th e voltage and tem p eratu re at the cam era, u se the
Read Voltage and Temperature
featu re
fou nd in the
The tem p eratu re retu rned is the internal chip case tem p eratu re in d egrees Celsiu s. For p rop er op eration,
this valu e shou ld not exceed 80 °C. If the cam era exceed s the d esignated tem p eratu re it w ill shu t d ow n
and w ill not turn on until the camera’s temperature is 73 ºC or less. Use the
reset camera
fu nction.
The voltage d isplayed is the camera’s input voltage. N ote that the voltage measurement feature of the
cam era p rovid es only ap p roxim ate resu lts (typ ically w ithin 10%). The m easu rem ent shou ld not be u sed
to set the ap p lied voltage to the cam era, bu t only u sed as a test to isolate gross p roblem s w ith the su p p ly
Read Only Parameters