Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
WARNING: When setting up the camera’s power supplies follow these guidelines:
Ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages.
Protect the cam era w ith a 2 am p slow -blow fu se betw een the p ow er su p p ly and the cam era.
Do not u se the shield on a m u lti-cond u ctor cable for grou nd .
Keep lead s as short as p ossible in ord er to red u ce voltage d rop .
Use high-qu ality linear su p p lies in ord er to m inim ize noise.
If your power supply does not meet these requirements, then the camera performance specifications are not
Ethernet Connector and Ethernet LED
The cam era u ses an RJ45 connector and a stand ard Cat 5 cable for Gigabit Ethernet signals and serial
com m u nications. The d evice su p p orts 10/ 100/ 1000 Mbit/ s sp eed s.
N ote: Rou ter connection not su p p orted . Connection to a netw ork sw itch for a single cam era is su p p orted .
Ethernet Connection LED
Stead y ON ind icates that an Ethernet connection is su ccessfu lly established at 1Gbp s.
Data Transmission LED
Stead y ON ind icates that the cam era is read y for d ata transm ission. Flashing ind icates that the cam era is
transm itting or receiving d ata.
EMC Compliance
In ord er to achieve EMC com p liance, the Sp yd er3 cam era requ ires the u se of shield ed CAT5e or CAT6
Ethernet cables.
Status LED
The cam era is equ ip p ed w ith a red / green LED u sed to d isp lay the statu s of the cam era's op eration. The
table below su m m arizes the op erating states of the cam era and the corresp ond ing LED states.
When m ore than one cond ition is active, the LED ind icates the cond ition w ith the highest p riority. Error
and w arning states are accom p anied by corresp ond ing m essages that fu rther d escribe the cu rrent cam era
statu s.
Color of Status LED
Flashing Red
Fatal Error. For exam p le, cam era tem p eratu re is too high and
cam era therm al shu td ow n has occu rred .
Flashing Green
Cam era initialization or execu ting a long com m and .
Solid Green
Cam era is op erational and fu nctioning correctly.
Ethernet Connection
LED@ 1Gbps
Data Transmission LED