Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
If rotary encoder is used, Line0 -- Phase A , Line2 -- Phase B
Line Format
This feature returns or sets (if possible) the current electrical
format of the selected physical input Line: No connect, TTL,
Line Connector Pin
Enumeration of the physical line (or pin) on the device connector.
This feature is not available when Line Format is set to Not
Connected and when Line Selector is set to a line smaller than
Line Function
Displays the line function
Line Debounce Factor
This feature control the minimum period of a input line transition
before detecting a signal transition.
Outputs Group
Output Selector
This feature selects which physical line (or pin) of the external
device connector to configure. When a Line is selected, all the
other Line features will be applied to its associated I / O control
block and will condition the resulting input or output signal.
Line0 outputs signals at PLC_Q0; Line1 outputs signals at
PLC_Q1; Line2 outputs signals at PLC_Q2; Line3 outputs signals
at PLC_Q3.
Output Format
This feature returns or sets (if possible) the current electrical format
of the selected physical output Line: No Connect, TTL, or LVDS
Gain, Black Level, and Background
The cameras p rovid e gain and black level ad ju stments in the d igital d om ain for th e sensor. The gain and
black level controls can m ake small com p ensations to the acqu isition in situ ation s w here lighting varies
and the lens iris cannot be easily ad ju sted . The u ser can evalu ate gain and black level u sing Cam Exp ert.
The p aram eters that control gain , black level, and backgrou nd are grou p ed together in the Analog
Controls set.
N ote that calibrating the gain can take u p to 10 second s. Ad ju st the GUI’s tim eou t valu es (in the
Ad vanced Processing set) accord ingly.
A section d escribing cam era calibration in d etail is available later in this m anu al.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Analog Controls
Gain Selector
Select the channel to control the gain for
All d igital ch annels of tap s
Analog Gain (d B)
Set the gain as an am p lification factor ap p lied to the vid eo
-10 d B to +10 d B
Black Level Selector
Select w hich black level is controlled by the black level
p aram eters.