Spyder3 GigE Vision SG-14 Monochrome Cameras User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Current Counter Value
Disp lays the cu rrent cou nter valu e
Input Debouncing
The Debou ncers tab is u sed to configu re the d ebou ncers of the cam era. The d ebou ncers are associated
w ith the first and second PH YSICAL inp u ts of the softw are, u su ally Inp u t 1 and Inp u t 2.
The d ebou ncers m ake su re that their corresp ond ing inp u ts filter ou t bou ncing effects. Bou ncing is w hen
there are a few very short p u lses w hen the inp u t signal transitions from low to high. Withou t
d ebou ncing, the controller m ay see these sm all p u lses as real signals.
The d ebou ncers m ake su re that the signal is tru ly high for the sp ecified am ou nt of tim e befor e it is
d eclared as high. The sam e ap p lies to the falling ed ge.
Input 0 Value
Ind icates the d ebou ncing valu e for inp u t 0. Each u nit is equ al to 16 clock cycles (30ns each), or 480ns.
Input 1 Value
Ind icates the d ebou ncing valu e for inp u t 1. Each u nit is eq u al to 16 clock cycles (30ns each), or 480ns.
Input 2 Value
Ind icates the d ebou ncing valu e for inp u t 2. Each u nit is equ al to 16 clock cycles (30ns each), or 480ns.
Input 3 Value
Ind icates the d ebou ncing valu e for inp u t 3. Each u nit is equ al to 16 clock cycles (30ns each), or 480ns.