All content © 2020, cmotion GmbH. All specifications are subject to change without further notice.
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User button functions
User button function
turns the user button off / no function / the
user button illumination will turn off
Knob limits set
please refer to section “ Knob
limits” on page 48 in this manual
*Slider limits set
please refer to section “ Slider
limits” on page 50 in this manual
*Joystick limits set
sets motor + control limits to the axis
controlled by the joystick (electronic hard
Focus calibration
calibrates the focus motor only
Iris calibration
calibrates the iris motor only
Zoom calibration
calibrates the zoom motor only
Calibration all
calibrates all connected motors at once
sets the joystick speed to maximum as
long as the button is being pressed
*Joystick speed up
turns the joystick speed up (press and hold
to speed the adjustment up)
*Joystick speed down
turns the joystick speed down (press and
hold to speed the adjustment up)
Autofocus press
activates autofocus as long as the user
button is being pressed / after releasing
the user button, the focus will move to the
preset knob position.
Autofocus toggle
activates autofocus by a single press of the
user button / press again to deactivate /
after deactivating the autofocus, the focus
will move to the preset knob position.
Autofocus pinpoint
This user button function takes continuous
readings from the rangefinder and focuses
automatically. If the user button is pressed
and held, autofocus will remain active un-
til the button is relased. After releasing
the user button, the focus will stay at the
last measured distance. Turning the focus
knob passed the measured position re-
gains manual focus control.
Autofocus catch
In order to use the Autofocus catch func-
tion, you first need to activate AF either
through a user button or directly through
the rangefinder’s menu. Then, press the
user button assigned to Autofocus catch
(once) to active this feature. From that
point, you can regain manual focus con-
trol seamlessly as soon as the focus knob
passes over the measured AF position.