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Buttons / camera status LED
With the exception of the REC button, the HOME button and menu button 2 (MB2), all
buttons on the cPRO / cPRO PLUS and cPRO ONE hand unit can be assigned individually.
And, all buttons except the back button (BB1) and cPRO PLUS knob buttons (KB1, KB2 and
KB3) illuminate once assigned to a user function.
User button functions:
Off / Knob limits set / Slider limits set* / Joystick limits set* / Focus calibration / Iris calibration
/ Zoom calibration / Calibration all / ZAP* / Joystick speed up* / Joystick speed down* /
Autofocus press / Autofocus toggle / Autofocus pinpoint / Autofocus catch / System unit
/ Steath mode all / Laser pointer / Camera rec / Lock knob / Lock slider* / Lock joystick* /
Lock thumb wheel / Filter increase** / Filter decrease** / Cinefade set** / Load lens / Load
pre-marked ring / Load pre-marked strip* / Camera Button 1-6 / Marker focus / Marker iris*
/ Marker zoom* / Marker distance / Target A, B, C, M***
* cPRO / cPRO PLUS hand unit feature only, not available for cPRO ONE hand unit
** available with cmotion Cinefade VariND only
*** available with cPRO RANGE license only
While navigating the cPRO menu, all buttons with a function will be illuminated. REC button and camera status LED
REC button
Camera status LED
The REC button is assigned to “Camera REC” only and cannot be changed. However,
the “Camera REC” function can be assigned to any user assignable button. The camera
status LED is next to the REC button and gives direct feedback of the camera status.
LED status
no camera interface is available
solid green
camera interface is available / camera
solid red
camera is recording
red / green flashing
camera is in idle mode (camera not ready)
red flashing slow
remaining record time is less than five
red flashing fast
remaining record time is less than one