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page 17 of 120 Mechanical hard stops
The cPRO knob has two mechanical hard stops which can be adjusted freely around the
knob barrel. The hard stops allow you to move the knob between two focus positions
In oder to adjust your long focus distance
match the desired long focus distance position to the datum line of the knob
open the thumbscrew on the upper hard stop and slide the hard stop around
the knob barrel until it hits the panic button.
lock the hard stop position by turning the thumbscrew clockwise
In oder to adjust your close focus distance
match the desired close focus distance position to the datum line of the knob
open the thumbscrew on the lower hard stop and slide the hard stop around
the knob barrel until it hits the panic button.
lock the hard stop position by turning the thumbscrew clockwise Panic button
The cPRO panic button is a unique feature of the cPRO / cPRO PLUS and cPRO ONE hand
unit. It allows you to override the mechanical hard stops without adjusting the predefined
focus range. E.g. when shooting the slate outside of the predefined focus range, or the
actor misses their mark.
In order to override the mechanical hard stops temporarily, simply press the panic button
and rotate the knob so it passes under the hard stop.
In order to disable the mechanical hard stops, press and turn the panic button clockwise
or counter-clockwise 90°. To re-enable the mechanical hard stops, press and turn the
panic button back to its home position.