Section 6 - Troubleshooting
User's Guide
Section 6 - Troubleshooting
This section includes common failure scenarios and suggested troubleshooting guidelines.
No Communications with Station
First, open a Command Prompt on the computer used for communications and type
verify connectivity to the station. If PING succeeds, then double-check IP and Port configuration in the
MultiLogger Network Manager. The xPico radio also has a web client for verifying and modifying device
configuration. Type the IP address assigned to the radio into the web browser's URL field.
If PING is unsuccessful, then visit the station and test power with a digital voltmeter. Check the battery
terminals directly, it should read between 12.5 ‒ 13.5VDC. If battery power is adequate, verify the Power
switches are turned ON. If power is on, then verify the xPico configuration, see Section 3.
Communications Very Unreliable
If common operations like Update or Collect fail regularly, or the Monitor mode is very slow to start, it is likely
that the signal strength is inadequate for the location and antenna being used. Contact Canary Systems
recommendations on antenna options that are compatible with the xPico.
Station Drops Out At Night
Likely the station is being operated during the day by the solar panel, but the battery is not being charged.
Replace the battery. If the problem persists, replace the solar controller. Contact Canary Systems for
replacement components.