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Broadcast Pix
1.7.1 AutoAspect Inputs
AutoAspect solves the many challenges of mixing 4:3 and 16:9 content in the same
production. It enables 16:9 and 4:3 inputs to be used interchangeably and mixed
together in the same live production, while maintaining the native aspect ratio of each
element rather than stretching them. Each input can be set to one of 4 aspect
treatments, three of which preserve the native aspect ratio. Conventional switchers
can only stretch video when crossing aspect ratios, causing people to look too wide
or too thin.
The Illustration above shows the four ways that a 4:3 source can be treated in a 16:9
production. If None is selected, then the image is stretched to fill the space, as is
done on other switchers, and the result makes the person look too wide. If one of the
other three treatments are selected than the original aspect ratio of the source is
preserved, and the person does not look too wide.
When the show is set to the same aspect ratio as the source’s native aspect ratio, then no aspect
treatment will be performed. When the show is set to the opposite aspect ratio, than the selected
treatment will be applied. See section 1.12.3 for setting the show’s aspect ratio
When a source is treated, it will appear with that treatment on all video outputs, and on the
program and preview windows of the Multi-View, the source monitors will show only the native aspect