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Broadcast Pix
3.7.4 Show Memories
The Integrated Memories on the Broadcast Pix enables panel setups to be saved that
contain all the classic switcher settings, like key settings, DVEs, sources, etc. as well
as the exact content in clip and graphic stores, complete with attributes, like mark
points, auto-start, crawl speed, etc. For more on creating memories, see section 4.11.
In addition to SnapShot Memories, Macros may also be added and sorted in this
menu, if a Macro has a leading number applied to it. See section 4.12 for more
information about Macros.
The memory controls in PixMaster enable you to:
To access show
memory controls, on
the Show Settings
window, click on
This will open the
Memories Window.
which memories are to be used within a show.
2. Change the
in which the memories are displayed on the Mem PixPad
the Memories (globally), and create a custom PixButton image for them
The third item is a global change, affecting all shows, so whatever name and image you choose
will be used in all shows for this memory.