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Broadcast Pix
5.5.2 Creating Animations in 3
Party Applications
Inscriber makes great animations, but you can use many popular animation applications
including Digital Juice, Art Beats, Adobe After Effects, Apple Motion and others to make
animations for the Broadcast Pix system. In general, any animation system that can
export a sequence of frames of images will work, as these frames can be brought into
the Broadcast Pix Animation store. All files loaded into the Anim store must have a frame
size of 1920x1080 with square pixels and a 16:9 aspect ratio. No AutoAspect correction
may occur in the Animation Store.
If you are creating animations with alpha channels make sure to save files as 32 Bit
Targa files to preserve the transparency layer. In addition, if the application has a
compressed setting or RLE setting for Targas, select it to gain longer lengths. There is a
maximum file size of 400mb for each animation in each store or 800mb for each when
configured as one animation store, as described in section 5.5. QuickTime .mov files
using the Animation codec may also be used, however since these files are
uncompressed, there is a frame limit of 50 frames for each animation in each store or
100 frames when configured as one animation store. In addition if uncompressed TGA,
BMP, PNG or JPEG files are used, they too have a frame limit of 50 or 100 frames.
All image sequences need to end with a number starting with “0” in order for the Import
Animation function of Broadcast Pix to work properly (i.e. Animation000000 or
5.5.3 Basic Animation Operation
All animations must be loaded into Switcher memory prior to playing it on-air. Even
though numerous files may be added to the show and viewed on the PixPad, only
2 animations may be loaded for playback at a time, one in each channel. The load
time is not real time, each animation takes approximately 2X the duration time to load.
To load an Animation:
Assign the Device Controls to an Animations
(Anim) channel, select the
[Anim 1]
button, it will illuminate orange.
Select the desired animation file by pressing its
on the Anim PixPad, it will
illuminate red, as shown on the right.
The Animation is now loading, the Animation
counter on the Multi-View and the counter in
the display will start to countdown, as shown
on the right.
Once the counters reach 00:00:00, the
animation is ready to be used.