install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
GPO trigger (Int):
Triggers the General Purpose
Output on the Granite/Mica Switcher (1-24).
GPO trigger (Ext):
Triggers the General Purpose
Output on the external USB tally/GPO boxes (1-
288). Settable to use the selected Pulse Rate, GPO-
Hi, GPO-Lo or toggle between Hi and Lo.
Input, Set Name:
Allows a Macro to change the
Input name (top line) on the Multi-View for a specific
Input, Set Label:
Allows a Macro to change the Input
label (bottom line) on the Multi-View for a specific
Note to Status Window:
Similar to the Note action,
allows a short message to be displayed in the Status
bar on the Multi-View.
Source Border Color:
Allows a Macro to highlight the
window frame color of multiple sources on the Multi-
Source Border Color Solo:
Allows a Macro to
highlight the window frame color of just the specified
source on the Multi-View.
Source Border Width:
Allows a Macro to change the
default border size of multiple sources on the Multi-
Source Border Width Solo:
Allows a Macro to
change the default border size of just the specified
source on the Multi-View.
Load Show:
Allows a Macro to automatically load a
show. Note this is intended for advanced users.
Load Layout:
Allows a Macro to load a layout. Note
this is intended for advanced users.
Load Default Layout:
Allows a Macro to load the
default system layout.