Camera Video Output
Screen Resolution Requirements for Display Views
Full screen view: 1920 x 1200 pixels or 1920 x 1080 pixels. If your monitor doesn’t support
these resolutions, then full screen view will not be available.
2-up view: minimum resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels.
Blackmagic UltraScope Displays
Blackmagic UltraScope software is a great tool for maintaining accurate video and audio levels from
your Blackmagic camera so you can make the most of your digital footage in post-production. Scopes
used to monitor your levels include vectorscope, RGB parade, histogram and audio metering display.
RGB Parade Display
RGB parade displays the red, green and blue channels of your Blackmagic camera’s image. If one
of the channels is elevated, it will indicate the presence of a color cast. For instance, any excessive
elevation of a color channel will indicate that your white balance is incorrect.
You may want a certain color effect in your shot, for example when using a colored filter on your lens,
like a warming filter. An elevated red channel will be normal, but you can also check the other color
channels aren’t being overly crushed. The same applies if using intensely colored gels on your lights.
Remember that any “look” you create in camera can be easily enhanced during post-production
using a vectorscope and RGB parade in DaVinci Resolve.
The waveform of the RGB parade is great for checking if your Blackmagic camera’s image is clipped or
crushed. Any clipping of highlights will be visible by a flat horizontal line at 100 IRE, or the upper level
of your scope. Clipping results in a loss of image detail, so if there is image detail in your highlights
that you want to preserve, adjust your lighting or exposure accordingly. Remember, it’s easy to clip
out image information during color grading in DaVinci Resolve, but if detail is not present in the
original exposure then it cannot be recovered in the grade.
RGB parade display
2-up view