Menu Settings
File Naming Convention
Blackmagic cameras use the following file naming convention when recording video.
[Camera ID]_[Reel Number]_[yyyy-mm--dd]_[hhmm]_C[Clip number].mov
The table below shows an example of the file naming convention.
QuickTime Movie Filename
Camera ID
Reel Number
Date (2012 Aug 08)
Time (16:31pm - 24hrs)
Clip Number
For CinemaDNG files, the folder of the image sequence will also be named the same way.
Display Settings
To adjust the display settings for the LCD and SDI or HDMI output, press the 'menu' button to open
the dashboard, select the 'settings' icon, then select the television icon to the left of the settings menu.
In Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera, you will find display settings under the 'monitoring' section.
Press the 'menu' button to enter the menu settings display. Use the left and right arrow buttons to
move and select 'monitoring', then press the 'play' button to confirm your selection.
Dynamic Range
The LCD allows you to view your video as you are recording. You can set the dynamic range of the
LCD by selecting 'video' or 'film'.
The dynamic range setting of the LCD is independent to the dynamic range set in the recorder
settings. Some people prefer to monitor video with the LCD set to 'video' even when the recording
format is set to 'film'.
Adjust the dynamic range setting of the LCD using the arrow icons in the menu.
The 'display' settings screen on Blackmagic Production
Camera 4K. Display settings on Blackmagic cameras lets you
set the brightness of the LCD, turn LCD overlays on or off,
adjust the display dynamic range and zebra settings. You can
also choose what overlays are visible on your camera's SDI or
HDMI output and select your desired frame guides.
Scroll the menu to reveal
more Display settings.