© 2009 Austin Kontore LLC
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On the adjacent corner (still working with the first Post), drill a
hole about 1 ¼” from the top of the Core Square.
On the same corner, drill a hole about ¾” from the bottom.
Return to the previous side and drill the final hole. It will be
about 1 ¼” off the bottom edge of the Core Square.
The holes are staggered so that the screws do not
“run into” each other while you are fastening them.
Fasten the Post to the corner of the Core Square with the
remaining three 1 5/8” screws.
Hold the pieces tightly while fastening. The
posts should be tightly held against the Core Square.
Rotate coop to the next corner and
the above
process for the
remaining three corners
of the coop.
First fasten the corner with one screw, then drill and
fasten with the remaining three screws. Having the one screw
in place makes drilling the other holes easier.
When you are complete, all
corners of the Middle Core
Square should look like this photo.