Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
2 Servicing work on timing chain end
Detaching camshaft timing chains from camshafts
Special tools and workshop
equipment required
Locking pin -3242-
Adapter -T40058-
Locking pin -T40060-
Adapter -T40061-
Adapter -T40062-
Drill bit 3.3 mm
When working on one cylinder head only, it is not neces-
sary to remove the timing chain cover on the opposite cyl-
inder head as well. In this case it is only necessary to
remove the exhauster pump or the sealing cap, because
the timing chain on this cylinder head stays in place.
However, the valve timing for both cylinder heads must be
adjusted in all cases as described below.
Engine and gearbox in vehicle
Drain off coolant
page 161
Remove starter catalytic converter
page 204
Remove exhauster pump
page 52
Remove coolant pipe (rear right)
page 181
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