Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
1 Removing and installing cylinder head
5 - 9 Nm
6 - Bracket for oil dipstick
7 - Coolant pipe
8 - Banjo bolt, 12 Nm
9 - 22 Nm
10 - Rail element
Observe rules for cleanliness
page 2
Do not attempt to bend high-pressure pipes to a different shape
Tightening high-pressure pipe connections at rail elements
Fig. on page 106
11 - Seals
12 - Cylinder head bolt
Note correct sequence when loosening
page 114
Note correct sequence when tightening
page 116
13 - Oil retention valve
Tighten to 25 Nm
14 - Lifting eye
15 - M6: 9 Nm; M8: 22 Nm
16 - Intermediate pipe (left-side)
Removing and installing
page 213
17 - 25 Nm
Coat with high-temperature lubricant; for high-temperature lubricant refer to
Parts catalogue
18 - Gasket
19 - Cylinder head gasket
“1.4 Removing and installing cylinder head” on page 112
Fig. on page 104
Installation position: Part No. towards cylinder head
If renewed, refill system with fresh coolant
Loosening and tightening central bolt for toothed belt drive
Use counterhold tool -3036- when loosening and tighten-
ing central bolt -1-.
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