Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
2 Servicing valve gear
Machining valve seats
Valve seats may not be machined due to the very small toler-
Checking valve guides
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Universal dial gauge bracket -VW 387-
Dial gauge -VAS 6079-
Care must be taken when disposing of old sodium-
cooled exhaust valves.
The valves must be sawn in two with a metal saw be-
tween the centre of the stem and valve head. When do-
ing so, the valves must not come into contact with
water. After preparing the valves, throw a maximum of
ten into a bucket of water. Then step away immediate-
ly, since a chemical reaction will occur in which the so-
dium filling burns.
After performing these steps the valves can be disposed
of in the normal way.
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