Audi Q7 2007
6-cylinder TDI engine (3.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail), mechanics 01.2006
Repair Group 15 – Cylinder head, valve gear
Insert valve into valve guide.
End of valve stem must be flush with valve guide.
Only insert inlet valve into inlet guide and exhaust valve into
exhaust guide, as the stem diameters are different.
Determine amount of sideways play:
Wear limit: 1.0 mm.
If the wear limit is exceeded, repeat the measurement with
new valves. Renew cylinder head if wear limit is still ex-
ceeded. Valve guides cannot be renewed.
If the valve has to be renewed as part of a repair, use a
new valve for the measurement.
2.10 Checking valves
Visually inspect for scoring on valve stem and on surface
of seat.
If scoring is clearly visible:
Renew the relevant valve.
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